Welcome to my digital domain! 🌟 From the vibrant streets of China to the scenic beauty of Victoria, my journey
has been nothing short of an adventure. Since landing in this beautiful city in 2007 and acing my degree at UVic
in 2014, I've navigated the tech world for a solid decade, crafting digital wonders at Stocksy United, Universal
Music, and Levels Health. But my passion doesn't stop there! When winter calls, I answer, sliding down Mount
Washington as a seasoned ski instructor with CSIA and PSIC.
欢迎来到我的数字王国!🌟 从中国的热闹街道到维多利亚的风景如画,我的旅程充满了冒险。自2007年踏上这片美丽城市,到2014年在UVic取得学位,我在技术世界中航行了整整十年,为Stocksy United、Universal Music和Levels Health创造数字奇迹。但我的激情不止于此!当冬天来临时,我随召而至,在Mount Washington作为CSIA和PSIC资深滑雪教练翱翔雪道。
Now, in 2024, I'm taking a thrilling leap into new territory – real estate. With my unique blend of tech savviness, local knowledge, and an undying enthusiasm for helping others, I'm here to be your go-to realtor. Whether you're searching for the perfect home or looking to sell, I bring a fresh perspective to the Victoria real estate scene. Let's embark on this exciting journey together and make your real estate dreams a reality. Your adventure starts here! 🏠🚀